Fables (19 entries)


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Krazy Kat

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Little Lost Sheep (1939)
       Columbia - Fables
Park Your Baby (1939)
       Columbia - Fables
Practice Makes Perfect (1940)
       Columbia - Fables
Barnyard Babies (1940)
       Columbia - Fables
The Pooch Parade (1940)
       Columbia - Fables
A Peep in the Deep (1940)
       Columbia - Fables
Farmer Tom Thumb (1940)
       Columbia - Fables
Mouse Meets Lion (1940)
       Columbia - Fables
Paunch 'n' Judy (1940)
       Columbia - Fables
The Streamlined Donkey (1941)
       Columbia - Fables
It Happened to Crusoe (1941)
       Columbia - Fables
Kitty Gets the Bird (1941)
       Columbia - Fables
Dumb Like a Fox (1941)
       Columbia - Fables
Playing the Pied Piper (1941)
       Columbia - Fables
The Tangled Angler (1941)
       Columbia - Fables
Wolf Chases Pigs (1942)
       Columbia - Fables