Crisis Point
Studio: CBS Eye Animation Productions Release Date : October 1, 2020 Series: Star Trek: Lower Decks
Cumulative rating: No Ratings Posted


To prepare for an interview with Freeman, Boimler creates a holodeck program using the crews' private logs to produce an accurate simulation of the Cerritos. Freeman sends Mariner to therapy, where she insists she is fine. Later, Mariner spitefully takes over Boimler's program to create a movie-like experience where she plays the villainous Vindicta. She invades the simulation of the Cerritos with her friends and kills the crew. Boimler and Rutherford join the holographic crew to fight against Vindicta, while Tendi leaves the simulation after being disturbed by Mariner's behaviour. Mariner ultimately crashes the simulation of the Cerritos and then fights a holographic recreation of herself, causing her to realize her true feelings for her mother and Starfleet as she does. Concluding this "therapy" has worked, she leaves the holodeck. Boimler completes the simulation and accidentally discovers that Freeman is Mariner's mother. With this knowledge, Boimler panics and flunks his interview with the captain.
(Synopsis courtesy of Wikipedia)



Bob Suarez


Ben Rodgers


Star Trek: Lower Decks (Season 1, Episode 9)


United States

Star Trek: Lower Decks - Season 1

BluRay Disc

United States

Star Trek: Lower Decks - Season 1

Technical Specifications

Running Time: 27:11

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Note: While borrowing the synopsis is not our preferred method of doing things, it was thought that having a synopsis was important enough to allow it. However, we would prefer to have an original synopsis, so if you would like to helo us with this quest, please contact us!