The IAD Forums
PopKorn Kat
2 years ago
Schedules for upcoming Toon In With Me and Saturday Morning Cartoons broadcasts can be accessed here: 

Since the previous thread was locked, I've gotten a couple of messages pertaining to actual MeTV news. Because of this, eutychus and I have decided to give a second, heavily monitored thread a go. Since the previous MeTV thread was locked due to an influx of low-quality posts, the following rules will be enforced from here on out:

  • Only post in the thread if there’s actual news to report. The amount of low-quality non-news posts is why the previous thread was locked.
  • Try not to report on repeat airings unless there’s a significant change (i.e., different edits). If you’re not sure what’s already aired, please check out episode guides on websites such as Wikipedia or TVDB.
  • Avoid unwarranted speculation. If you absolutely, positively must speculate, make sure your theory has sufficient evidence to back it up. For example, one airing is not enough to prove or disprove whether a particular cartoon or series will continue to air on MeTV.
  • Do not ask questions about whether a specific scene from a certain cartoon is going to be cut. We’ll know when we know.
  • On that note, no more “will this racist cartoon air?” discussion. These discussions dragged down the previous thread and are frankly ridiculous, especially given TIWM and SMC air in timeslots when children could be watching.
  • Avoid questions that can be easily Googled. They waste everyone’s time; enough said.
  • You cannot get around these rules by creating additional threads. Any violation of these rules in any MeTV-related discussion will count as an infraction in this thread as well.

  • Failure to follow these rules will result in one warning, then a suspension if the behavior continues. No exceptions.
    S. C. MacPeter
    2 years ago
    Since actual news did happen recently, I'd like to note Jerry Beck & Bill Leff appeared on Gilbert Gottfried's podcast,  in which it was mentioned that soon, MeTV will begin airing the Superman cartoons. I assume trademarks with the character of Superman, or perhaps needing to review them is why they haven't aired as of yet
    2 years ago

  • Do not ask questions about whether a specific scene from a certain cartoon is going to be cut. We’ll know when we know.

    Originally Posted by: PopKorn Kat 

  • Caught wind that the Chinese and Indian stereotypes from Dog Gone Cats that were previously cut from MeTV+'s airing has aired uncensored on today's Fan-Tastic Friday's episode of Toon in with Me. I just figured I would let you know that on behalf of a person who has just watched the short.
    2 years ago
    Screwball Football aired unrestored this morning. At this point, I think it's safe to say that At Your Service Madame is the Turner print... (we'll find out soon) However on a bright note, it was uncut.
    2 years ago

    Has any one noted that 'An Itch In Time' is scheduled to air next weekend. The end will probably air uncut for probably the 1st time ever. MeTv doesn't censor the suicide gags.

    Originally Posted by: BobHamilton 

    Please re-read rule 4 on the thread. Thank you.
    2 years ago
    Okay, thank you for being polite about it.
    S. C. MacPeter
    2 years ago
    An Inch In Time was edited this morning 🙂
    2 years ago
    Probably for time 🙃
    2 years ago
    I doubt it it was edited for time. You see and hear the cat say, “Now I have seen everything.”. Then you see the cat “jump” into background. No gun was shown or heard.
    2 years ago
    Well good. They usually leave them intact but nice to see them cut.
    S. C. MacPeter
    2 years ago
    Hop & Go aired restored today, though the ending was unsurprisingly censored
    2 years ago
    Bugs' Bonnets aired uncensored today!
    2 years ago

    Hop & Go aired restored today, though the ending was unsurprisingly censored

    Originally Posted by: S. C. MacPeter 

    Expect they restored the poor unrestored foreign print with random music track muffing most of the dialog that was in "Looney Tunes Golden Collection: Volume Six".
    PopKorn Kat
    2 years ago

    I know it's a little off topic but im thinking about buying the Tex Avery Screwball Classics, but I don't want to but it if volume 4 doesn't come out; volume 4 also says it will have The Heckling Hare with it's lost ending. Is there a forum for Tex Avery Screwball Classics Volume 4 or not? If so, send me the link please.

    Originally Posted by: ToonInWithMeFan 

  • Avoid questions that can be easily Googled. They waste everyone’s time; enough said.

  • S. C. MacPeter
    2 years ago
    Didn’t the guy that was banned and was the final nail in the coffin for the last thread ask a similar thing? Is this just him rejoining under a different IP, using a VPN or different device?
    PopKorn Kat
    2 years ago

    Didn’t the guy that was banned and was the final nail in the coffin for the last thread ask a similar thing? Is this just him rejoining under a different IP, using a VPN or different device?

    Originally Posted by: S. C. MacPeter 

    We're conducting an investigation into the matter. We ask for your patience and understanding.
    2 years ago
    Guys I'm sorry for all this trouble. All keep it on task, I'll do better. On that note I Hope At Your Service Madame Is Restored today.
    2 years ago

    Guys I'm sorry for all this trouble. All keep it on task, I'll do better. On that note I Hope At Your Service Madame Is Restored today.

    Originally Posted by: ToonInWithMeFan 

    Unrestorable. Laserdisc. There, I said it.

    Sorry if I sounded rude, but it seems that the restoration team isn't doing justice when lately. Perhaps the cartoon wasn't restored when it was sent into the package.
    2 years ago
    Cross Country Detours aired censored today, about time.
    PopKorn Kat
    2 years ago
    Yesterday, MeTV announced Sventoonie , a new limited series that will air at 9PM Saturdays following the horror movie series Svengoolie.