The IAD Forums
S. C. MacPeter
3 years ago
I've been having a lot of discussion recently about what could be coming next from Warner Archive, but nobody seems to have a clue. I'm not sure a volume 4 is in swing, but I'm sure if it is it wouldn't be called Volume 4 exactly, perhaps a rarities set of sorts?

But there's still a lot of ground that WAC can cover, here's a run down of some stuff:

50s Popeye

Other MGM cartoons (Happy Harmonies, the B&W stuff from 38, Barney Bear, etc)

Fleischer Superman as there's yet to be a definitive release of them

And possibly... The Bugs Bunny Show!

Two of my friends think 50s Popeye is next, one thinks Happy Harmonies since a few of those are restored, and it's got me debating what really could be next, so I decided to turn here and ask everyone what you all think is coming next?
3 years ago
Before George Feltenstein was rehired, Jerry said on Facebook that the Warner Archive is the only unit within Warner that will touch Popeye, because they don't own him. That's why MeTV didn't get the 1950's shorts.

He also regretted not getting to the 50's shorts before George was fired.With all that in mind, 50s Popeye is probably a priority.
S. C. MacPeter
3 years ago
That's good to note, but, Jerry had mentioned on his V3 article they were scanning stuff we'd want to own. If I'm honest, and I'm sure most people feel the same, 50s Popeye doesn't sound like that. I'm sure they will get to them, but I really wonder if it's possible they're doing something else
3 years ago
To be completely honest, how many people would want to own the Happy Harmonies?

Assuming that the WB cartoons are off-limits and the Bugs Bunny Show is years off, what's the logical next step besides WAC finishing long-overdue unfinished business?
3 years ago
1950's Popeye is long overdue. Love them or hate them, they have never had an official release before while all the MGM properties have.
Thad Komorowski
3 years ago
The remaining cartoons should be put out in one 3-disc set: Popeye the 1950s. Put Popeye the Ace of Space in 3-D as the headliner and guarantee purchases from the hardcore classic 3-D fanbase (which is *dying* to get this cartoon) will more than make up for any lagging sales numbers because these are the most unlikable cartoons of the decade.
S. C. MacPeter
3 years ago

To be completely honest, how many people would want to own the Happy Harmonies?

Originally Posted by: Leviathan 

I know their not anyone's favorite, and some of them are really awful (Poor Little Me might be the worst short of it's era), but considering how awful DVNR gets on their copies, I'd love to see them properly displaying how beautiful they could get. Like them or hate them, you can't deny Harman and Ising's stuff wasn't well animated, and hey, there are a few I can name I like

PopKorn Kat
3 years ago

To be completely honest, how many people would want to own the Happy Harmonies?

Originally Posted by: Leviathan 

raises hand
S. C. MacPeter
3 years ago
I like hearing that Popcorn, I know I was more critical in my last message but there are some really good gems I like. I'd like to ask in that case, which cartoons do you want to see most from that series in HD?
3 years ago

To be completely honest, how many people would want to own the Happy Harmonies?

Assuming that the WB cartoons are off-limits and the Bugs Bunny Show is years off, what's the logical next step besides WAC finishing long-overdue unfinished business?

Originally Posted by: Leviathan 

Why would WB cartoons off limits? How about a complete TOM &JERRY that includes the un-pc unreleased Avery shorts as extras or Easter eggs? Heck,they can include the T&J’s redrawn and dubbed voices scenes as extras. And since WB loves to quadruple dip their cartoons on the sets, why not a complete 1930’s POPEYE on blu-ray? And PORKY PIG 101 on blu ray, but with the mistakes corrected. And a complete Barney Bear with along with the Happy H. cartoons.
3 years ago
still waiting for a "censored 11" disc - expect to wait forever
S. C. MacPeter
3 years ago
TBH eventually WB will run out of sets to do and have to do that maybe. I still think we are more likely to see the 2 T&Js and the 2 Averys before those ones though
3 years ago
tarzan lord of the jungle.
3 years ago
Better yet, since the animated releases are some of the WAC's biggest sellers, why can't they do more than one project at a time?

They're beyond the point of needing to "test the waters" to see if they'll sell. Do 50's Popeye AND Happy Harmonies. They'd both sell better than some 1950's musical no one cares about.
Jason Todd
3 years ago
Maybe a redux of the Tom and Jerry Golden Collections, but with the Metrocolor-sourced shorts sourced from better material?

It would be nice to see what a properly-restored Mouse Trouble would look like; bonus points if WAC grabbed that 35mm nitrate print with the original titles—though unlikely…
  • MTGM
  • Advanced Member
3 years ago
Since I've spent the last 7-8 months enamored with Famous Studios, I definitely wouldn't mind if they went full steam ahead with 1950s Popeye. I'm particularly anticipating better quality copies of Cookin' with Gags, I Don't Scare, and Spree Lunch (for personal hilarious reasons).

Other than that, I wouldn't mind if they tackled Barney Bear all in one go, paying specific attention to finding better source material for Cobs and Robbers as well as Wee-Willie Wildcat beforehand.
S. C. MacPeter
3 years ago
I'm curious how WAC will handle Popeye when the time comes, but I'm not sure if it's next, eitherway I will likely buy it when it goes to discount or if it does come with Ace of Space in 3D

For Barney, considering all of Lundy's stuff was on safety, the negs should all exist or at least really good tech copies. They clearly grabbed those two off the same shelf as Jerry's Diary and Heavenly Puss...

For me, I just want whatever collection will get me The Tree Surgeon restored. I know some people that would be horrified if they saw it
S. C. MacPeter
3 years ago
Bringing this thread back as this podcast  with George and Jerry gives some slight hints to what’s coming next, the most prominent I noticed was “Technicolor doesn’t end here yet”. It seems to me they might have some plan with Lucky Ducky
3 years ago

To be completely honest, how many people would want to own the Happy Harmonies?

Assuming that the WB cartoons are off-limits and the Bugs Bunny Show is years off, what's the logical next step besides WAC finishing long-overdue unfinished business?

Originally Posted by: raginggoodfella 

Why would WB cartoons off limits? How about a complete TOM &JERRY that includes the un-pc unreleased Avery shorts as extras or Easter eggs? Heck,they can include the T&J’s redrawn and dubbed voices scenes as extras. And since WB loves to quadruple dip their cartoons on the sets, why not a complete 1930’s POPEYE on blu-ray? And PORKY PIG 101 on blu ray, but with the mistakes corrected. And a complete Barney Bear with along with the Happy H. cartoons.

Originally Posted by: Leviathan 

It's been stated many times that certian properites are off lmits for WAC. The Warner Family division of Warner Home "Entertainment" (heh, was about to type Video) are the only ones who can get to release the big boys (Bugs Bunny, Tom & Jerry). So unless a miracle happens, then WAC is never going to release any new T&J stuff.
Also, as an observation, The fact that "Uncle Tom's Cabana" and "Half-Pint Pygmy" were skipped over implies that these are also banned in the same way the two T&J's are, suggesting those two wouldn't even be able to get released even if WAC managed to get T&J. The most realistic outcome out of WAC for now is Popeye 1950's.
Though I would like to see a Fleischer/Famous Superman release from them, this time with the CORRECT opening and end cues.
3 years ago
I can definitely see the 1950's Popeye cartoons up next.