I did notice on Monday that "The Flintstone Flyer" was edited for time.
The very beginning of the episode was missing, where Fred goes to the front door to get the paper, has some back and forth with Wilma about it, then gets hit by the heavy stone paper after the paperboy throws it. The MeTV episode pickes up where Fred is already in his hammock reading the paper, talks about the rock market, etc.
There was also a fairy clunky edit a few minutes later, where the first scene of Barney working on the copter was cut. Fred is giving Barney grief about the backyard golf related stuff, then instead of showing Fred going back to his hammock, where he's disturbed by the noise Barney is making hammering the copter, the episode hard cuts to Fred already walking thru his yard and "over the fence" to see what Barney is doing. So it went from Fred holding Barney and threatening to punch him, to him walking back to Barney's yard to see what the noise was. It was the awkwardness of that second edit that got my attention and made me pull the DVD.
There may have been other edits, but I have no idea. It does seem that MeTV is pulling a few minutes out of the episodes.