Hello All,
I preordered this shortly after it was announced, but It's been awhile since I've done a preorder (I'm strictly a Fleischer Studios fan. Looking forward to the Mr Bug set) Does Steve still send out raw transfer discs before the final set has been completed? When I did the preorder for the Gulliver set, I did recieve dvd and HD dics of the raw transfer, then to my suprise, months later, recieved the final retail set in the mail (I was expecting only the raw transfer discs so I was pleasantly suprised) I only ask this as I have yet to receive anything, and a couple of my emails to Steve have gone unanswered (to be fair to Steve, he may not have received them, or is likely incredibly busy so no biggie) So, has anyone been sent anything regarding this set? Mail is kind of sketchy where I live (It's an apartment complex, mistakes get made when the front desk guy sorts mail, and I think some of my neighbors may not be the most honest folk, lol) and I wanted to be sure I didn't miss anything.
Originally Posted by: prostx23