  • Blob55
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
8 years ago
I watched the first 6 episodes and so far I have this to say:

1. Bugs is kinda a jerk in episodes without the squirrel or big foot, as he's more of an antagonist than protagonist. This makes it especially hard to see him win, with no consequences.

2. Big Foot is SO ANNOYING! He won't stop called Bugs Lady and he's pretty much just all dumb sidekicks rolled together into a very, very annoying mix.

3. The re-designs suck, though Bugs' is passable. I really hate Yosemite Sam's, as it makes him look like a homeless man.

4. Sam's brain also seemed to have been replaced by Elmer's, as there's no way he would fool for the stuff Bugs did to him in episode 6!

All in all, it's a butchered mess and the writers have no sense of what actually MAKES LTMMs! Bugs can't just win without confrontation, as it makes him seem like a huge jerk for no reason. He was lovable before, because Elmer, Daffy, Sam, or whoever else was antagonizing him. It doesn't work just having everyone around him be a butt monkey, as he's really no better than Jerry, who I also hate.
8 years ago
We don't like bashing on here.
  • Blob55
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
8 years ago
I don't mean to bash, I just don't like the direction the show is going in.
8 years ago
Another problem the show has is its' animation. It's not very good at times. They should've had Lotto Animation do the overseas animation work instead of Rough Draft Korea, as they've proven they CAN animate the Looney Tunes pretty well, from what I've often shown to present my case...

And then there's the heavy use of Hanna-Barbera sound effects, instead of the Treg Brown/Warner Bros. one. It feels like I'm watching the late '60s Warner/Seven Arts cartoons at time. They should've gotten DigiPost.TV to do the sound editing instead of Advantage Audio, as DIgiPost seems to have the complete Warner sound FX library. Yet "Wabbit"'s sister show, "Be Cool Scooby-Doo" (also edited by Advantage Audio) has almost NO H-B SFX whatsoever! That's messed up! What are those sound editors on when they're editing the episodes?
  • Blob55
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
8 years ago

Another problem the show has is its' animation. It's not very good at times. They should've had Lotto Animation do the overseas animation work instead of Rough Draft Korea, as they've proven they CAN animate the Looney Tunes pretty well, from what I've often shown to present my case...

And then there's the heavy use of Hanna-Barbera sound effects, instead of the Treg Brown/Warner Bros. one. It feels like I'm watching the late '60s Warner/Seven Arts cartoons at time. They should've gotten DigiPost.TV to do the sound editing instead of Advantage Audio, as DIgiPost seems to have the complete Warner sound FX library. Yet "Wabbit"'s sister show, "Be Cool Scooby-Doo" (also edited by Advantage Audio) has almost NO H-B SFX whatsoever! That's messed up! What are those sound editors on when they're editing the episodes?

Originally Posted by: wiley207 

Yeah! I hate that I hear the lame HB falling noise, which just sounds like a re-re-re-re-re-re-recorded version of the WB falling noise.
8 years ago
That H-B falling noise dates back from MGM (off-hand I know Tex Avery's "The Cuckoo Clock" used it).

I'm not liking the overly aggressive tone here. Please cool it before this thread is closed (and I would have preferred that this ranting be kept in the Wabbit thread that was already created).
8 years ago

Another problem the show has is its' animation. It's not very good at times. They should've had Lotto Animation do the overseas animation work instead of Rough Draft Korea, as they've proven they CAN animate the Looney Tunes pretty well, from what I've often shown to present my case...

And then there's the heavy use of Hanna-Barbera sound effects, instead of the Treg Brown/Warner Bros. one. It feels like I'm watching the late '60s Warner/Seven Arts cartoons at time. They should've gotten DigiPost.TV to do the sound editing instead of Advantage Audio, as DIgiPost seems to have the complete Warner sound FX library. Yet "Wabbit"'s sister show, "Be Cool Scooby-Doo" (also edited by Advantage Audio) has almost NO H-B SFX whatsoever! That's messed up! What are those sound editors on when they're editing the episodes?

Originally Posted by: Blob55 

Yeah! I hate that I hear the lame HB falling noise, which just sounds like a re-re-re-re-re-re-recorded version of the WB falling noise.

Originally Posted by: wiley207 

I hate that sound effect too. It's my arch nemesis of cartoon sound effects. I've recently heard it in a trailer of the upcoming Angry Birds Movie. Like seriously? It sounds SO out of place. Couldn't of they at least use a different fall sound or make their own (like what Disney and Pixar are doing)?

I prefer the fall sounds from the Looney Tunes, Jay Ward/Rocky & Bullwinkle, and the Sound Ideas Series 4000 SFX Library which I have.
8 years ago

That H-B falling noise dates back from MGM (off-hand I know Tex Avery's "The Cuckoo Clock" used it).

I'm not liking the overly aggressive tone here. Please cool it before this thread is closed (and I would have preferred that this ranting be kept in the Wabbit thread that was already created).

Originally Posted by: Toadette 

Actually, the H-B fall sound was first heard in "Piece on Earth" (1939), but after that it was rarely used (it was only used for certain MGM cartoons in the 40's and 50's), until after Hanna and Barbera made the Cinemascope remake of Piece on Earth "Good Will To Men" (1955). That was when they decided to use the fall sound as their trademark until the MGM cartoon studio closed down.

When Hanna and Barbera made their own animation studio which we known about back then, they took some of the MGM cartoon sounds with them and that includes the fall sound. And they of course made it as their trademark. Which is why we hear that sound in today's society of animation that use the Hanna-Barbera sound effects.
  • Blob55
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
8 years ago
I re-watched the episode and I still have the same problems with them. :/
There's no way Sam should be that stupid and you could tell the writers really wanted to use Fudd for it. Also, Bugs way WAY too mean spirited tricking in intern to go into a wolverine pit. :/
8 years ago
So I saw the Wabbit episode "Raising Your Spirits," which had a thunderstorm in it (to add to the ghost mood), and despite the show using tons of Hanna-Barbera sound effects, they didn't use "Castle Thunder" at all. I mean, come on, you're gonna use all of those H-B SFX, which are out of place with the Looney Tunes, but not the thunder sounds H-B used?! It's just like the 1967 Looney Tunes cartoon "Fiesta Fiasco" (again, many H-B SFX, but just the old Warner Bros. thunder sounds were used) and "What's New Scooby-Doo" (they did use Castle Thunder at the beginning of one episode, but then just stuck with new custom-recorded (and LOUD) thunder sounds for the rest of the episode.)

If only the sound editing for the show was done by DigiPost.TV or someone other than Advantage Audio, then we wouldn't have this...

Oh yeah, it's also worth noting we now have two versions of the "Wabbit" theme song. There's the initial one, which is very similar to Disney's "TaleSpin" theme in style, and then we have this "wackier" bluegrass version.

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