I disagree about your comments on Cy's career at Disney that began in late 1932, except (mostly) that his Chinese heritage wasn't as apparent in his special effects work. Moving on though...
Cy Young began his career in America mostly on industrial and technical films in his days in New York. First with Bray on the educational Brayco strips, and then for Naval and Medical films
Cy Young did four Aetna cartoons for Audio-Cinema that have yet to show up. These additional titles are HE AUTO KNOW BETTER, FAMILY'S DAY AT HOME, and THE FAMILY'S NIGHT OUT. Aetna offered different types of insurance, all four cartoons demonstrating why each is an important subject to have insured. Besides this, his career in New York was limited besides work at Terrytoons, one of the few studios that would hire minorities in key roles. He may of also of worked on the three Doctor Suess commercials for Audio-Cinema/Terry, but I cannot prove this. I'd love to see more of his earliest work