excerpt of an interview with animator Kathy Zielinski by the animation guild
transcribed by Tumblr user: hellyeahprydain
A Conversation with Kathy ZielinskiShe talks about her work on “The Black Cauldron” from 13:50 to 16:05, if you prefer a transcript:
Kathy Zielinski [KZ]: […] And then, from there, went on to “The Black Cauldron” which already, I guess, some animators had been working on for several years,
I think even before I had started there.
Steve Kaplan [SK]: So, what did you animate on “The Black Cauldron”?
KZ: Black Cauldron, I did the three witches.
SK: Oh ok.
KZ: Yeah, yeah, and my—
SK: So, they were fun characters.
KZ: [laughs]
SK: In the picture?
KZ: Yeah, yeah and I’ve got some very embarrassing scenes that I did in that film. It was the frog that got stuck on the witch’s cleavage.
SK: Oh…
KZ: It was bouncing around.
SK: They gave that to you?
KZ: Yeah, they gave that to me. Lucky me! I mean, I did a lot of things on the witches but that was… The one.
SK: One of the few that ended on the picture.
KZ: [laughs] Yeah, it was really fun. It was even more fun getting issued the scene by Ted Berman.
SK: Did he? Act embarrassed?
KZ: Yeah, he had to… Well, he didn’t act embarrassed, well,
he was embarrassed certainly because he was having to describe what the scene was and it was really funny because he was saying
“Ok Kathy now you got to animate this frog moving around in the jugs”
[both laugh]
KZ: In the jugs! I was like, “Isn’t that going to—”
SK: Bottles?
KZ: “And huh, and her breasts are called jugs? Ok.” [laughs] But, that was hilarious, so yeah. So, those were,
you know… I actually haven’t seen Black Cauldron since it came out, I should watch it again but I probably would have a pretty good laugh [laughs]
SK: Yeah, it’s just two years I’ll never get back.
KZ: Yeah, yeah, and that picture, god, that went on for a long time and I remember it was at a time where you could spend forever doing a 2 foot scene,
I mean there was no footage quotas. At all!
SK: Oh yeah.
KZ: I don’t recall.
SK: Well, it was kind of the end of the old era.
KZ: Yeah.
SK: Where Frank and Ollie were doing 60/80 feet a week and all the, well, you know,
the relatively green people were doing 3 or 4 feet a week and some less than that and its… Yeah it was an interesting time.
[and then they go to talk about Kathy’s training with Eric Larson]
Part 2 (if anyone’s interested in listening to the full thing)"
https://animationguild.org/oral_history/kathy-zielinski/ http://hellyeahprydain.tumblr.com/post/14718613459