The IAD Forums
6 years ago
Here it is, the first and original list of its kind, a list cataloging the known production music cues used in Fred Ladd's infamous retraced-and-colorized cartoon "When Funnies Were Funny" package. There exists another list that's been created in the years since this one got started curated by the dilligent researchers at the Production Music Wiki breaking down which cues appeared in what, but this is a general rundown of the cues and libraries showcased.

This is sorted alphabetically by library, and then by track. And now, with further ado, the list!

Bantu Beat- J. Carole
Big Richard- Vic Flick
Bobby Shaftoe - Vic Flick
Bowed Fiddly - Vic Flick
Geronimo- Vic Flick
Haley's Comet- Vic Flick
Pebble Beach- Vic Flick

Opa's Charleston - Rex Connor

Alpine Echoes- Dwight Barker
Baio de Brazil - Reg Owen
Barnstormers (Theme)- Sam Sklair
Beer Garden- Kurt Rehfeld
Bring on the Girls- Dennis Farnon
Campus Caper- Dennis Farnon
Can, Can, Can- Dennis Farnon
Cocked Hat- Dwight Barker
Criss Cross- Dwight Barker
Deck Games- Dwight Barker
Devil Rider (Honky Tonk)- Sam Sklair
Drums and Fife 3 and 5 - Wilfred Burns
Follow Through- Dwight Barker
Happy Time - Bruce Campbell
Hawaiian Surf Ride - Jon Jelmer
Hillbilly Stomp- Sam Sklair
Intergrate - Sam Sklair
Jaunty Walk- Wilfred Burns
More Haste- Dwight Barker
Morse Music- Eric Siday, Johnson Croom
On With the Race- Dennis Farnon
Pianoroll Bounce - Lionel Baron
Pony Gallop- Kurt Rehfeld
Rah Rah Rah- Dennis Farnon
Ridin' Herd- Dwight Barker
Sail Boat (Theme) - Sam Sklair
Sax Rock - Reg Owen
Stockade (Bridge) [#14, 15]- Sam Sklair
Stockade (Theme)- Sam Sklair
Stockage (Theme Flute)- Sam Sklair
The Spy Set: Rhythm Accelerando - Robert Sharples
That's All - Eric Austen
Themes and Variations: Dramatic Movement- Sam Sklair
Tijuana Win the Cup - Anthony Harrison
Traffic Patterns- Eric Austen
Viva Paso Doble- Dennis Farnon
Walk into Run- Wilfred Burns
Wee Willie - Bruce Campbell
Yokohama Holiday- Dwight Barker

JW Theme Music:
C-C-C-rash! - Ernest Tomlinson
Enter Villain- Ernest Tomlinson
Flitting Along- Ernest Tomlinson
Herr Sauerkraut- Cedric Palmer
Honky Tonk- Tolchard Evans
Pride and Fall - Ernest Tomlinson

Bass Drum Sounds - Sam Fonteyn
Bongo Sounds - Sam Fonteyn
Butterfly- Joe Haider
Cheerful Charlie - Duncan Lamont
Conga Sounds (a)- Sam Fonteyn
Cross Talk- David Lindup
Damsel in Distress- David Lindup
Daphne's Dilemma- David Lindup
Dizzy Tin Whistle - Duncan Lamont
Donald Duck - Mike Vickers
Flute Reggae- Clive Hicks
Funky Chase- Keith Mansfield
Funky Fanfare (Small Group)- Alan Hawkshaw
Funky Flight- Keith Mansfield
Funky Link 1- Keith Mansfield
Go Away Day- Keith Mansfield
Hero v. the Villain- Johnny Pearson
High Hat Sounds- Sam Fonteyn
I Say, I Say, I Say- David Lindup
I Say, I Say, I Say (Link)- David Lindup
Jazz Drum Rhythms (a), (b)- Kenny Clare
Jazz Drum Sound- Sam Fonteyn
Keaton the King- David Lindup
Keystone Capers 2- Eric Peters
Kindly Leave the Stage- Johnny Pearson
Music for Percussion 17 (Nursery) - Laurie Johnson
Moog Waltz- Duncan Lamont
Neck and Neck - Dave Richmond
Party Time Statement- Keith Mansfield
Return of the Keystone Cops- David Lindup
Return of the Keystone Cops- Tag- David Lindup
Return of the Silent Movies- Johnny Pearson
Slapstick Comic- David Lindup
Strummin' That Old Banjo- Alan Parker, Alan Hawkshaw
Teenage Chase - Keith Mansfield
Teenage Villain- Keith Mansfield
The Light Fantastic- David Lindup
Timbales Sounds (a)- Sam Fonteyn
Timpani Sounds (d)- Sam Fonteyn
Tin Whistle Reggae- Duncan Lamont
Top Cymbal and Drum Sounds- Sam Fonteyn
Visit to Motown- Dave Richmond
Weeny Bopper - Brian Bennett
Who Was That Lady!- David Lindup
Will He, Won't He?- David Lindup
Xylophone Sounds - Sam Fonteyn

Selected Sound:
Artistry in Trumpets- Bob Elger
Juanita - Luis Meguel
Wow!- Henning Reute

Sonoton (released through Conroy):
Action Man (f), (g) - Fernand Moreno
Circus Polka- Jan Schneeberg
Drummy - Sammy Burdson
Electronic Apple (2) - Walt Rockman
Hurricane Wheels (B), (C) - Sammy Burdson
Laughing Guitar - Denny Motion
Punch and Judy- Robert Konar
Soapbox Derby- Robert Konar
The Toy Family - Norman Candler

Southern Library of Recorded Music:
Chase Me Chester - Roger Roger
Comic Chase- John Scott
Commercial Joe Pts. 1 and 2 - Harry Rabinowitz (aka "Puffing Joe")
Four Jokers Suite Pt. 4 - Bruce Campbell
Inky Poo- Sidney Kay
Slippery Sid - Roger Roger

Themes International:
Jingle 4b - Alan Parker
Quickie 3 - James Clarke
"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
6 years ago
This list is missing some tracks (mostly KPM).

KPMK 1043/2 - Beat Incidental (all of these play in "Egyptian Daze"):
* Funky Fanfare (Small Group) - Alan Hawkshaw
* Funky Chase - Keith Mansfield
* Funky Flight - Keith Mansfield
* Funky Link 1 - Keith Mansfield
* Teenage Villain - Keith Mansfield
* Teenage Chase - Keith Mansfield

KPMK 1047 - Single Instruments Volume 1 - Percussion:
* Top Cymbal and Drum Sounds - Sam Fonteyn (plays in "Soda Jerks")
* Jazz Drum Sound - Sam Fonteyn (plays in "Soda Jerks")
* Jazz Drum Rhythms (a) - Kenny Clare (plays in "Art for Art's Sake")

KPMK 1064 - Happy Novelties:
* I Say, I Say, I Say-Link - David Lindup (plays in "Dog Missing")

KPMK 1110/2 - Life is for Living:
* Party Time Statement - Keith Mansfield (plays in "The Inventor")

KPMK 1112/2 - The Rhythm of Modern Life/Vaudeville:
* Will He, Won't He? - David Lindup (plays in "Music and Charm")

KPM 0132 - Comedy Classics 2:
* Can, Can, Can - Dennis Farnon (plays in "Batter Up")

SEL 5221 - Big Band Sound of the 70's TV and Radio Programs:
* Wow! - Henning Ruete (plays in "They Shall Not Pass")
6 years ago

This list is missing some tracks (mostly KPM).

KPMK 1043/2 - Beat Incidental (all of these play in "Egyptian Daze"):
* Funky Fanfare (Small Group) - Alan Hawkshaw
* Funky Chase - Keith Mansfield
* Funky Flight - Keith Mansfield
* Funky Link 1 - Keith Mansfield
* Teenage Villain - Keith Mansfield
* Teenage Chase - Keith Mansfield

KPMK 1047 - Single Instruments Volume 1 - Percussion:
* Top Cymbal and Drum Sounds - Sam Fonteyn (plays in "Soda Jerks")
* Jazz Drum Sound - Sam Fonteyn (plays in "Soda Jerks")
* Jazz Drum Rhythms (a) - Kenny Clare (plays in "Art for Art's Sake")

KPMK 1064 - Happy Novelties:
* I Say, I Say, I Say-Link - David Lindup (plays in "Dog Missing")

KPMK 1110/2 - Life is for Living:
* Party Time Statement - Keith Mansfield (plays in "The Inventor")

KPMK 1112/2 - The Rhythm of Modern Life/Vaudeville:
* Will He, Won't He? - David Lindup (plays in "Music and Charm")

KPM 0132 - Comedy Classics 2:
* Can, Can, Can - Dennis Farnon (plays in "Batter Up")

SEL 5221 - Big Band Sound of the 70's TV and Radio Programs:
* Wow! - Henning Ruete (plays in "They Shall Not Pass")

Originally Posted by: AllenJ 

Sorry about the long wait, but thanks for bringing up those omissions! I've added them all to the list. In addition, I've added a number of tracks that I've recently ID'd.

Now, if only I could find the odd tracks in "Art for Art's Sake", the track that opens "On Duty" or any of the other tracks I haven't found yet...

"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
6 years ago
Has the last track in Mr. Do-All been identified yet? IT plays when Felix starts playing the sax.
6 years ago

Has the last track in Mr. Do-All been identified yet? IT plays when Felix starts playing the sax.

Originally Posted by: Leviathan 

No, I haven't found it yet. I'll look out for it, though.
"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
5 years ago
Found two more tracks on an old Conroy album: "Jaunty Walk" and "Walk into Run" by Wilfred Burns, both of which play in Music and Charm.
"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
4 years ago
It's been a long while, but I've just discovered a new track: "Punch and Judy" by Robert Konar, which plays in "Chinese Lanterns."
"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
4 years ago
another Robert Konar track featured in Chinese Lanterns is "Soapbox Derby"
4 years ago

another Robert Konar track featured in Chinese Lanterns is "Soapbox Derby"

Originally Posted by: SuperMuppet64 


EDIT: Found another CL track: "Circus Polka" by Jan Schneeberg.
"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
4 years ago
Nope, it's the track at the end of that cartoon.
"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
4 years ago
Added a bunch of new tracks to the list - see if you can notice 'em!!
"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
4 years ago
where was Chase Me Chester used? cant seem to remember that one. this reminds me i need to get off my lazy bum and add a few more tracks to the stock music playlist i have assembled on youtube
4 years ago

where was Chase Me Chester used? cant seem to remember that one. this reminds me i need to get off my lazy bum and add a few more tracks to the stock music playlist i have assembled on youtube

Originally Posted by: SuperMuppet64 

At the very end of "Toy Shop". The parts used in the cartoon are kinda scattered about the track, though.
"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
4 years ago
In case anyone's wondering about the opening track from "Soda Jerks" and the opening stinger from "Off to the Races" - they're not stock music, they were originally written for the "Mutt and Jeff and Bugoff" feature.
"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
3 years ago
After a while, I've found a new track! "Pianoroll Bounce" by Lionel Baron, from the Conroy library. It's heard at the beginning of "Music and Charm".
"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
3 years ago
Been a good while, but I found another cue - "The Spy Set: Rhythm Acclerando" by Bob Sharples, heard in "Sunken Treasure".
"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
3 years ago

In case anyone's wondering about the opening track from "Soda Jerks" and the opening stinger from "Off to the Races" - they're not stock music, they were originally written for the "Mutt and Jeff and Bugoff" feature.

Originally Posted by: OutOfOdor 

Yeah, I figured that when I saw the "Mutt and Jeff and Bugoff" feature on YouTube a few years back and heard different arrangements of it in the film.
3 years ago
What was the song at the end of the Moonlight for Two redrawn?
2 years ago

What was the song at the end of the Moonlight for Two redrawn?

Originally Posted by: FuriousMan226 

That would be Dwight Barker's "Follow Through", from Conroy.

Speaking of Conroy, just ID'd that one Hawaiian track used in "Tuning In", thanks to the EMI Production Music site adding an influx of Conroy 78s to their website - it's called "Hawaiian Surf Ride", composed by Jon Jelmer.

"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)
a year ago
Just ID'd another track: "Tjiuana Win the Cup", composed by Anthony Harrison and originating from the Conroy library. It's heard at the. beginning of "The Inventor".
"With all respect to the great mousetrap."- Popeye, "The Spinach Overture" (1935)