Thanks again, Mac! I'm learning a lot here. This info is great.
I didn't realize these films in particular had so many known variants. I wish this was all on Wikipedia. They might force citations, though, heh.
So for Alice Solves the Puzzle, there's three known variants?:
Complete version
Missing bootlegging/Julius drinking version
Edited home movie version
I see here these releases (which is a great thread): Alice Solves the Puzzle
-Alice in Cartoonland The Original Alice Comedies by Walt Disney
-Alice in Cartoonland 35mm Collector's Set
-Cartoons On Film: Disney's Alice Comedies Volume 2
-Cartoons On Film: Silent Cartoon Frolics
Assuming Tommy has the same one on the last two. The first one is only $10 on Amazon, the second, I couldn't find.
I heard back from the German public TV station, SAT3:
They replied in German. Google Translate was a bit rough, but here it is corrected:
"Leider ist es nicht möglich, eine Überspielung der gewünschten Sendung vornehmen zu lassen, da uns kein kopierfähiges Ausgangsmaterial zur Verfügung steht.
Wir bedauern daher sehr, Ihrem Wunsch nicht entsprechen zu können und bitten um Ihr Verständnis."
"Unfortunately it is not possible to make a dubbing of the desired program, there is no us copyable source material available.
We therefore very much regret not being able to meet your needs and ask for your understanding."